
Federal Legislative Software

Identify congressional staff, monitor activity on Capitol Hill and engage with members and staff.

Interactive Product Demo

Experience firsthand the simplicity of searching congressional staff and creating contact lists, accessing and setting up email alerts for press releases and discovering your upcoming town hall events with LegiStorm.

Access real-time data to make informed decisions

Identify verified information, monitor activity and engage with the right people to achieve your goals.

Congressional Staff Directory

Find the people who can advance your cause using our unique, real-time congressional staff directory service – complete with legislative issues covered, contact information, staffer photos, social media links and rich biographical details.

Build custom contact lists and download them or take a printable PDF with all the information you need about members and staff.

Email Alerts

Set up email Lightning Alerts to get notified of reports, hearings, town halls, press releases, Congressional Record comments and congressional publications that affect your issue, as well as staff list updates (additions/ job changes/ departures).

Choose the instant, daily or weekly option according to your preference every time.

Town Hall Meetings

Engage in online and in-person town hall meetings to get your views across.

Members of Congress are most persuaded by hearing directly from their own constituents.





Press Releases



Town Halls

Congressional Staff

Search congressional staff based on multiple criteria and create custom contact lists that you can keep up-to-date with just one click.

Role Staff Search

Search for staff holding key roles in member personal offices.



Issue Staff Search

Search for the primary contacts for legislative issues and caucuses in member personal offices.

Advanced Staff Search

Search congressional staff based on office, title, legislative issue covered, alma mater, fraternity and even college activity.

List Building

Combine complex criteria including chamber, party, office, policy issues covered, title and more to get a list of the staff that matters to you and update your contacts with a single click.

Members of Congress

Find the member you are looking for - along with detailed contact information, create custom lists and receive timely notifications for town halls, press releases, and beyond.

Find a Member

Find detailed contact information about a current or former Member based on state, party affiliation, Congress they have served in and other criteria.

Find a member

Zip to District Matching

Enter a ZIP or ZIP+4 to find what members of Congress represent this area.

Committees and Caucuses

Access current committee and caucus membership rosters to reach exactly the right person on the Hill who is committed to your issue.

Custom Member Lists

Create custom member lists and set up customized alerts for staff changes, town halls, press releases and more.

Departing Members

See who retired, resigned, or is running for Senate or other office.

Freshman Member Hires

Get to know the new congressional aides for freshmen members of Congress.

Congressional Hearings

Stay on top of congressional hearings with witness lists, written testimony and full searching. Download to your calendar instantly, and we’ll update you if anything changes.

Congressional Financial Disclosures

Get access to the web's only source for a plethora of different information reports by Congress revealing the flow of money in and around the Capitol.

  • Congressional Staff Salaries

  • Privately Funded Travel

  • Personal Financial Disclosures

  • Foreign Gifts

  • Earmarks

LegiStorm Mobile App

Your Online Companion

Find members of Congress, committees, caucuses, congressional staff and state legislators, complete with contact information and the legislative issues that they cover. The database is updated in real time at no extra cost.

Plus, easily add contacts to your phone and take notes of your interactions on the fly.

Download our app for free on Google Play or App Store, exclusive to all subscribers.


Tailored to your needs

See how your organization can thrive with LegiStorm.

Official Expenditures

Search public reports of receipts and expenditures for members, committees and leadership offices.

Explore House of Representatives expenditures with precise tallying to individual vendors and detailed categorization by office.

Congressional Publications

Stay informed about the latest updates from the Congressional Record, committee prints, congressional documents and congressional reports with our search and email notification services.


More ways to reach your objectives

Make the most out of LegiStrom and stay ahead of the game by making informed decisions based on the most comprehensive and up-to-date information available.

Press Releases

Get real-time access to every press release from congressional, executive and judicial offices or dig through millions of releases dating back to 2013 with ease.


Policy Reports

Access a searchable archive of policy reports including CRS, OMB, GAO, CBO and more, providing you the same policy background information that decision-makers have access to themselves.


Be prepared for every meeting with your legislators and their staff and take all the information you need in one printable PDF document.

Careers in Congress

Whether seeking top talent for your team or exploring exciting opportunities on the Hill, put your mind at ease, knowing we have everything you need to succeed.


Discover the hidden hierarchy of Capitol Hill with LegiStorm's exclusive online database of congressional staff salary data dating back to 2000.

Salary Rate Analysis

Gain unrivaled insight into congressional salaries. Analyze salary rates by member office, position, gender, race and education.

Staff Turnover

See at a glance which member offices are the most stable and which have the highest turnover. Don’t get caught in a potentially bad work environment.

Best Educated Offices

Compare the average level of formal education attained by congressional staff and members among different offices. 

Public affairs professionals rely on LegiStorm

Discover why LegiStorm is the trusted choice for people like you in the section below or peruse our reviews on G2.

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The data provided by LegiStorm stands out as the best Congressional data available. The accuracy and organization of LegiStorm's data has meant that I've been able to greatly speed up progress on my research. I have no hesitation in recommending LegiStorm to all types of researchers, journalists, lobbyists and other political professionals.
Mirko Draca
Mirco Draca
Associate Professor, LSE
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I have found LegiStorm essential for my job and quite surprising in its capabilities. For an arts presentation I needed to give on Capitol Hill, I was able to automatically download key arts staffers associated with all members of the Congressional Arts Caucus. I was also able to find staff with "art" in their education backgrounds, so they got invited too. Definitely fun, and useful.
Andy Finch
Andy Finch
Director of Policy, Association of Art Museum Directors
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We love the service we get from LegiStorm. Your team always responds fast. We really couldn't ask for more in an information service.
Carrie Lazar
Carrie Lazar
Membership Development Representitive, United States Senate Federal Credit Union
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The system's working great for me. Very intuitive navigation. I'm really glad we found you guys. I'm extremely happy with the service.
Michael Brody
Michael Brody
Founder, Brody Group LLC Public Affairs
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We have found LegiStorm to be the ultimate tool in communicating with congressional offices, either individually or with a group. We have been able to reach out with messages to all chiefs of staff and legislative directors, or staff dedicated to specific areas. We believe that this ability was instrumental in passing two key pieces of legislation which were imperative to our members.
Paul J. Pearce
President, National Forest Counties and Schools Coalition
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LegiStorm Pro is the best source out there today to keep track of the comings and goings of Hill staff. It is user-friendly and constantly updated.
Casey Flanagan
Federal Public Policy, National Federation of Independent Business

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